As a starting point for the project, the initial learning sessions held at the CIFP Carlos III ended yesterday, in which each institution transferred to the rest of the partners the knowledge of its domain necessary for the development of the project. The participants in the activity have been the members of the institutions of the consortium that are part of the JuezLTI technical development team. This is a team that brings together experience in the different areas that will need to be addressed during the execution of the JuezLTI project.
In addition to the specific team of partners, given the relevance and level of innovation of the topics covered, the course is organized in coordination with the Center for Resources and Teachers of the Region of Murcia (CPR) with code 30300001072221, which allows that a score of computer science teachers from all over the region also attend the sessions.
On behalf of Bursa MEM, which coordinated the European project “Code Is Loading”, with which they analyzed the state of software development in the curricula of European countries, Ülkü KILIÇ, coordinator of professional training of Bursa Il MEM, will participate as speaker.
Salvador Pellicer, in addition to being CEO of Entornos de Formación, is a member of the board of directors of the Apereo Foundation, which incubates software dedicated to e-learning, such as Sakai LMS or Tsugi. More than 15 years of experience adapting and implementing these tools give the project the knowledge that international educational institutions such as the University of Oxford, Universidad Pontificia Javeriana de Colombia or Chile, New York University, ACE American Council Education, HTH Hotel have already enjoyed. School the Hague, Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Navarra, University of Murcia, University of Lleida or UNIR (The University on the Internet).
Jörg Pareigis is the Head of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Karlstad University and leads the course development projects WISR16 and WISR17, the purpose of which is to develop open online postgraduate courses. Jörg is also a co-organizer of the Open Networked Learning online course, a pedagogical development course using problem-based learning for higher education teachers and educational technologists.
The research of José Paulo Leal and Ricardo Queirós, members of the Advanced Computing Systems Research Center of INESC TEC, in the field of e-learning interoperability and programming language learning will be put at the service of the project. The conclusions obtained from their participation in the European project “Framework for Gamified Programming Education” may also be very useful for the project.
The CIFP Carlos III representation will be chaired by its principal and, as speaker, Alberto Sierra, professor of Programming and Databases and has developed the educational platform Eduagora and developer of the codetest module, which together with Tsugi form JuezLTI.
Finally, we have the participation of a world reference figure in online learning environments, by our associate “Apereo Foundation”: Charles Severance. Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Information, an expert in programming, he has written books on Google App Engine, and Python for Computing. In research his field is to build learning management systems, such as Sakai, Moodle, Blackboard, or ANGEL among others.
To achieve the objectives, the following presentations are made:
(1). Foundations of LTI and TSUGI. (Charles Severance)
(2). Current status of JuezLTI. (Alberto Sierra)
(3). Open Networked Learning. (Jorg Pareigis)
(4). Platforms of Virtual-Judge and Standardization of questions. (José Paulo Leal)
(5). Software Development in European educational systems. (Ülkü Kiliç)
(6). The future of JuezLTI. (Salvador Pellicer)