That was a two days awesome meetting, where work hard was combinated with enjoyment of city and food.
The subjects presented in that sessions were:
- Status of the application.
The great effort in the development of the application directed by EdF is shown, demonstrable through the numerous observable changes in the project repositories.
The construction of the Docker containers is considered complete, so the institutions that want to deploy the platform will have a simple deployment system.
The template of the application is shown, in which the corporate image of JuezLTI has been integrated, as well as the requirements imposed by the agreements of the financing of the project.
Although the stable version was scheduled for the following month of June, it is possible that it will suffer some delay due to changes in the personnel in charge of the development and the partners are requested to collaborate in the translation of the application into the languages of the participating countries.
- Development of validators.
The programming (Java), Database (PostgreSQL) and XML (XPath and XML-schema in progress) validators are considered functional, although there are certain difficulties when communicating with the feedback and codetest modules.
Fortunately, the members of the technical team were able to carry out joint work during these conferences, which made it possible to establish the necessary adaptations in the different modules to achieve correct communication between them.
- Status of the feedback-manager
INESC TEC exposes the detailed theoretical support that has guided the development of the independent feedback system, which is considered mature enough to be integrated into the next stable version of the platform.
- Financial management
The number of justified and remaining days associated with each of the intellectual products is shown, although at this point in the project only days associated with IO1 have been justified, since the development of the MOOC is planned from the immediate launch of the stable version. from the platform.
- Dissemination plan.
The dissemination that has been carried out is highly valued, with the extensive presence on social networks as well as the active participation in events such as CodeWeek, Erasmus Days and Vocational Skills Week, and it is encouraged to continue with this effort.
- Preparation of the MOOC and exercises
A planning of the IO2 activities that must begin to be developed is made, remembering that the MOOC must include the Teachers / students manual, Deployment manual and Development manual and be multilingual. These developments will be carried out under the coordination of the University of Karlstad.
At the same time, Programming, Database and XML exercises must be developed, in this case under the coordination of CIFP Carlos III.
It is agreed to expose the materials assigned to each partner on GitHub so that they can later be collected and published by Karlstad on a Moodle platform. For their part, the exercises will be published in Authorkit ( to enable their subsequent use by any teacher.
- Publication plan.
INESC TEC informs that it has sent several publications, generated from the development of the platform, to congresses related to computing technologies:
- Judge LTI ecosystem, has been written jointly by members of INESC TEC and the CIFP Carlos III and its publication has been admitted by the ICPEC.
- Exercises generation, exclusively developed by INESC TEC has been submitted to SLATe and is pending approval.