Project’s partners

Our consortium joins partners with technical knowledge in this type of tools, partners with experience in e-learning, and partners with access to target groups, students and teachers of computer science education.

C.I.F.P. Carlos III logo


The Integrated Vocational Training Center Carlos III is a state center of Cartagena, that began to function in the 1987-1988 academic year.

Currently, the CIFP Carlos III has a staff of 84 workers, including teaching and non-teaching staff, and more than 1500 students and is the main education center for distance from the Region of Murcia for its three professional families.

The CIFP Carlos III provides life long learning, from formal training in the professional families of Administration, Commerce and Marketing and IT, to training for employment.

Bursa Millî Egitim logo

Bursa Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey)

Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education, headed by the Ministry of National Education, is a legal authority which is responsible for the educational issues in the region. In addition to a Head Director ,there are 11co-directors and a staff of 342 who work in this institution. All education activities of 32.915 teachers and 590.380 students in 2.000 educational institutions are within the institution’s scope of work.

Besides providing school buildings, classrooms, learning materials, staff and technological equipment ; one of our organisation’s fundamental responsibilities is to make everybody benefits from educational and learning activities.


INESC TEC – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores Tecnologia E Ciência (Portugal)

INESC TEC is a private non-profit research institution, dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies.

Entornos de Formación logo

Entornos de Formación  (Spain)

EDF is an e-learning company established in 2006, working for universities and corporate companies across 3 continents.

One of the pillars of Entornos de Formación is the ability to put in place, maintain and evolve technology that well serves training needs. This ability comes from their broad experience in developing business models for both companies and institutions.

EDF focus their efforts on helping to integrate, with complete transparency, educational applications in any organization dealing with management or documentation.

Karlstads Universitet logo

Karlstads Universitet (Sweden)

Karlstad University’s ambition is to increase understanding for other cultures and to strengthen the University’s role in the international knowledge community. We have a wide range of bilateral cooperation agreements with European and Nordic universities both within the framework of the Erasmus and Nordplus programme and outside it. The university is also involved in a number of projects in the Erasmus programme and other European Union programmes and initiatives. Further, Karlstad University was one of the founding members of the Compostela Group of Universities, a network of over eighty universities throughout Europe centred on the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Although student and staff exchange are perhaps the major form of cooperation at the moment, there is also considerable international activity in the form of research and development work, symposia and conferences. Guest researchers come from several countries, such as USA, Germany, Finland or India.