The fourth transnational meeting of the project took place in Bursa. After the stable version of JuezLTI was released, it was time to start with the MOOC and the Pilot Test.
Bursa Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu invited some teachers to attend the meeting to learn about using JuezLTI, according to the following agenda:
Welcome | Sibel Mete /Boss | Bursa IL MEM |
PrePilot test | Alberto Sierra | C.I.F.P. CARLOS III |
From beta to stable | Francisco Saez | EdF |
Publication plan status | Ricardo Queiros | INESC TEC |
Project dissemination plan status | Sibel Mete | Bursa IL MEM |
Status of the JuezLTI MOOC | Jörg Pareigis | Karlstad |
MOOC conducting | Jörg Pareigis | Karlstad |
Pilot Test implementation | Gökhan Ak | Bursa IL MEM |
Incubation JuezLTI | Salvador Pellicer | EdF |
Extending JuezLTI | Ricardo Queirós | INESC TEC |
Financial progress – presentation and discussion | José Luis Cruz | C.I.F.P. CARLOS III |
Summary of meeting decisions | Alberto Sierra | C.I.F.P. CARLOS III |
Closing | Sibel Meter | Bursa IL MEM |
Turkish teachers signed up for the MOOC while Swedish partners will provide them with the Moodle courses they need to test JuezLTI with their students.
At this meeting INESC TEC announced that they want to present a new Erasmus+ project based on JuezLTI for Generation Z and Alpha students, with four main targets: covereness, interoperability, gamification, adaptability.