Join teachers around the World
In the middle of November, we will start a fantastic four week learning opportunity. Come and join teachers around the world and learn how to teach with automatic assessments using JuezLTI. Completely free of charge. No strings attached. Sign up below.

Approx. 8-10 hours over Four Weeks

100% Free of Charge and Fully Online

Course certificate available
About the Course
JuezLTI is a tool to support computer science teaching, and allows the automatic assessment of programming exercises, databases and markup languages. In this course you will learn how to setup the LTI tool in your LMS, how to create exercises or import them from Authorkit and discuss with other teachers around the world how to integrate it in your teaching. The course is aimed at teachers programming teachers in vocational schools or higher education institutions.
During the course you will have the opportunity to meet and interact with the team behind JuezLTI as well as experienced teachers who have used automatic assessments previously. At the end of the course you will have created your first exercises with the tool and are able to discuss automatic assessments with other teachers. Sounds interesting? Join the fun!
Register Now
Interested in participating in the JuezLTI MOOC? Let us know by filling in the details below and we will get in touch.
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